Monday 21 April 2014

Long Weekends: Easter edition

As far as Easter long weekends go, and they can really go either way considering all the sugar that is consumed on two out of those four days, ours went relatively smoothly. In fact, I'd say it was one of the nicest I've had in a long time in some ways. Lots of family gatherings, lots of delicious food, lots of traditions past and newly formed, and enough chocolate to keep the energy high and flowing. 

One Easter tradition I love: Good Friday dinner. Growing up in Vancouver my mom and dad always hosted a Good Friday dinner where a big vegetable soup was the main course and our close family friends and their four kids came over contributing platers overflowing with cheese and fruit. Being away from them on this day, knowing that the tradition continues even without us there makes me feel homesick and nostalgic. So to make myself feel a little closer to home I hosted my own Good Friday vegetarian soup and cheese plate dinner, and invited a few favorite people over to help me forge a new tradition. 

It was a nice way to kick start the final days of our Easter journey.

This year Jake really had this great sense of anticipation for the Easter Bunny. He fell asleep late, forcing his tired eyes to stay open at the hope of catching a glimpse of the magic rabbit, and woke up early (way WAY too early) with excitement and wonder that there were easter eggs hidden in his room and that that meant that the bunny had been in and out of his bedroom without him noticing!

He hunted, he found, he ate. 

Ah the joy of pure, innocent childhood magic.

I wish us adults had more of that innocent joy in us. The innocence and the joy that helps us believe, without question, in all things magical. A bunny who hops around the world delivering eggs and filling baskets for children of all ages? sure, why not.  Jakob believes that he drives around on a vespa so his feet don't get too tired and that he speaks german. He stayed awake late listening for the putt putt of his motor. 


Live on. 

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