Wednesday 30 April 2014

Friend for the ages

Lately I've been thinking a lot about friendship.

In my life, I have been extremely blessed with a number of wonderful and strong friendship that have left life long impressions on me even after they ended. In my childhood, I had a best friend extraordinaire. We did everything together, spent most weekends together, had countless sleep overs, shared all our secrets. Through elementary school, high school and into our early twenties we were it, the untouchable two - and because of my friendship with her I have so many beautiful and happy memories from my youth. I will cherish those days, always.

Then there are what I like to call my two lifers. We're besties for keeps. Like it or not I'm theirs, and they are mine. Nothing, no hurdle, no man, no rumor, no bad mood, no distance or amount of time can damage our friendship - and believe me there have been many times when something could have come between us. Nothing has, and though our lives have taken us down vastly different paths we still love each other, support one another, and know that one day our lives will once again lead down a merging road.

When I had Jakob I was blindsided. Adjusting to having a baby was a huge challenge for me, I struggled a lot for several reasons and those first few weeks were so so hard for me. And then I met this wonderful network of women, and my life as a mom just bloomed. In hindsight, I see how lucky I was to have my first baby in the neighborhood that I did, and that I met the women I did because that first year with Jakob, that started with such a jolt, ended up being one of the best most fulfilling of my life. I credit those other mothers I met, who offered me so much support and whose friendship remains even today. Those are some powerful mama women warrior princess' that will be a vital part of my life forever.

And speaking of powerful mama women warrior princess', I was twice blessed in life because after I made this big move over to this island we live on now I once again met these amazing friends. Women that I instantly and fiercely bonded to. A random mother I met at a little park down the road became one of my best friends and support after the birth of my daughter. Another that I met at a cultural celebration became a confidant and second sister. Wives of my husband's best friends became friends I never imagined they would be. Coffee dates emerged, exercise evenings were born, regular play dates arranged, and when I floundered after the loss of a baby I had this instant and amazing net that caught me and held on until I could make sense of it all again. But the greatest blessing of all was that our children all became friends too, which among other things make birthday parties so much more fun when you not only look forward to inviting the kids but their parents too.

It goes without saying that my husband is my strongest friend, whom I depend on more than all the rest. He knows every corner of my heart, soul and body and loves me for it. My best friend, without question.

Then of course there was a moment in my life where I realized that I had this amazing sister who somewhere along the way became my most treasured friend because she encompasses it all: family, support, encouragement, foresight, hindsight, the example I have always followed. Friend for the ages.

I was never Miss Popularity, and the way I see it it is about quality not quantity anyway. Not all of my friendships have stood the test of time, but all have left me with meaningful and positive memories. And on some very special and rare occasions friendships that faded were reignited again, and emerged stronger in our adulthood.

So basically from the start of life to now I have been incredibly blessed in friendship. I hope I continue to be blessed as I look forward to friendships yet to be born. But more than anything, I hope my children are equally blessed with extraordinary friendships. I hope that they learn how to open themselves up to people, that they have the courage to always put forward their true selves, to make themselves vulnerable enough to accept the joys and sorrows that come from friendships. I pray that they find that friend that can stick to them like glue during those agonizing pre-teen/teen years, that they find people who can support them when they hit their milestones in life, that they have those treasured few that no time or space can separate them from.

And I hope and pray that they one day wake up to find that what they have in each other is one of the truest and bravest friends they'll ever know.

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