Saturday, 16 March 2013

Titanic Cake

Today we had Jake's third birthday party.  I can't believe he's just days away from turning three, I have so many feelings that come with my boy turning three years old, but that's all for another post. An nostalgic slightly over-the-top sappy one that will come on Monday, his actual birthday.

But today it was party time, and because my boy is still gaga about the Titanic, we celebrated with this cake:

Now before I go bragging along I have to admit I had help. My cousin (who is technically my husband's cousin but I stole cousin rights the second I was married because yes, she is that awesome) came all the way over to our little Island for one afternoon to help me put this baby together. With help, and probably even without, this cake was pretty straightforward to make.

Step one: bake two loaves of cakes. I baked them the night before because it cuts easier when it's not fresh out of the oven.

Step two: cut pieces and shape the cake based on a handy photo from a well worn book. Dip mini ice cream cones in chocolate and let set.

Step three: Ice the bejesus out of that sucker.

With help.

Step four: decorate iceberg with marshmallows and place dipped cones strategically.

Step five: Enjoy the look on your baby's face when he sees and tastes his Titanic meets Iceberg cake.

Step six: Devour

4 smoke stacks, 4 boys = perfect.

 The cake was just the tip of the iceberg (funny right?) of our wild, wonderful party day. The day was laced with amazing. Good pals, plenty of snacks, a few pretty cool presents topped off with a walk in the forest to go keep tabs on the tree we planted last Fall.

We got him a battery powered magnetic wooden train by Brio. Worth every penny.

Despite all the awesomeness, I think his favorite part of this day was still the kick he got out of flinging off his boots sky high while his dad pushed him on the swing at the park.

But that's just my boy.

1 comment:

  1. I see earmuffs. Winter's not over.

    Happy Birthday Kobs!! That is the most wicked cake I've ever ever seen.
