Monday, 11 February 2013

Meet Alby

The newest member of the Boyd family entered our lives at about 11:45 this morning. He might just be a little Betta fish to you, but he is a big deal to this family since he is our very first family pet. There was a great deal of research and time and annoying the guy at the pet store with my million and one questions before we finally decided that yes, we could manage a fish and provide him with a happy home while introducing Jake to the wonderful world of pet ownership. So far, Jake is doing an exemplary job in his new role as Alby's care taker. Just this evening alone he came out of his room about a dozen times to "say good night to Alby", he reminded me at the dinner table that the man at the pet store said Alby needs water so he can hide in it, he stood guard over his bowl most of the afternoon, and announced that Alby was his best friend.

My husband and I both grew up with pets, mostly cats, but there were a few fish, hamsters, guinea pigs and an iguana thrown in there over the years (okay the iguana belonged to Uncle Jon, but a family pet is a family pet). Despite the extra work and cost a pet brings into a family there is so many more vastly positive aspects to having an animal in the home. Firstly, it teaches love. Love, love, love, and move love. Of course children love their parents, siblings (sort of), and grandparents, but it is so different from the over whelming, all consuming love for a pet. I swear I have cried harder over the loss of my cats than I have over a great many other things in my life. There were back yard burials, and black dress codes, memorials. Pets become such an integral part of childhood once you have one. The confidant who never talks back, never annoys you, depends on you, loves you unconditionally, some one to love who doesn't judge, hurt or betray you. My cats brought me much joy over the course of my childhood, and I have fond memories of smuggling them into my bed at night, sobbing into their fur when I was sad about something, petting them until we were both lulled into a happy and comfortable trance on the couch. Same goes for my husband, and over all we are fairly sure that a cat will be introduced into Jake's life and into our home one day down the road.


But for now there is Alby, and while there will be no smuggling the fish into bed (although I am sure Jake would try) there is already a bond forming. It warms my heart when I see my boy tiptoe over to the fish bowl and whisper secrets to his new pal, he sticks his face so close to the bowl the heat from his breath fogs it as he says so softly in his sweet-little-boy voice "good night Alby". My boy is learning more about love, how to take care of something, something uniquely his that depends on him for care and for life. It's a good lesson, and important relationship, and while I might regret this day once I have cleaned Alby's bowl out for the hundredth time with no help from my three year old, I still believe that pets and all that go with them are an exceptional part of childhood.

So welcome Alby, we are so happy you are here.

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