Tuesday, 8 January 2013

The universe and I

I just finished writing a long post with my musings on the past year and my hopes and goals for the new one.  It was pretty airy and long winded, even for me. Re-reading it it didn't make much sense either. It had no real direction, just a lot of melancholy ramblings about the last two months or so, and how things don't always work out how we had planned. A woe-is-me post about how little control we have in the universe and how unfair it is. Luckily for me I hit save instead of publish and went to check my email. In my inbox I found an email from a dear friend who sent me the very first pictures of her very first baby, and all of a sudden it hit me - the universe is doing just fine and I need to stop harassing it with my self pity.

I am keeping the post if only to remind me how pathetic feeling sorry for myself sounds. I'll admit it has it's place, and every once in a while you need that night where you curl up with a bucket of decent ice cream and a box of tissues, but dragging it with you into the new year as a published post on a blog your family is reading - that was taking it a wee bit too far. And if anything gives me a good reality check it's pictures of perfect new born babies and the sweet honest words of their tired and overwhelmed mamas.

Life happens, and as my husband is always telling our son "fall down eight times, get up nine."
Which, my friends, will be the motto that carries me all the way through 2013.

Now I'm going to post a photo that makes me laugh out loud:

Oh yes, the universe is doing just fine.

1 comment:

  1. Editing maudlin writing is difficult. Many keep their blogs as public journals though. Hoping you are keeping your chin up!

    This is the best photo ever. EVER!
