Monday, 8 October 2012

Giving Thanks

Yes, it's true, we are in October.  It took me a few days to actually believe it but I have come to accept that September has pretty much passed me by and we are now in October and heading full steam ahead towards the end of the year.

The last few weeks I have laid pretty low, lower than I have in months, possibly years.  Not only have I not taken a single picture over the last month but I haven't really even done anything to write home about either.  It's as though September never really existed.  In part I am feeling drained, like my creative juices have been sapped out of me, and in part I have just been enjoying this sudden lull.  Sometimes I need that break in my life, times of stillness, where pressure melts away and life just plateaus for a while.  But it's October now, and my plateau is going to become a flat line if I don't snap out of this funk fast.  My break is over and it is time to embrace the creativity that Fall inspires in me and get going again.

Today is Thanksgiving, as good a time as any to air out my brain and start up again.  What better way to show thanks for all the wonderful things in my life than to get up and do something.  Time to bake! Time to get creative! Time to go for Fall walks with my boy! Time to decorate! Time to live!

In the meantime, there has been something I have been meaning to thank someone for for weeks now, and I am ashamed to say I have never quite gotten to it.  My sister sent a package to Jake over a month ago, and it made him so happy to get a present in the mail when there was no birthday or holiday in sight. It made him feel special and loved, and he put it on immediately.  When I look at the smile on his face in this photo I am reminded again to be so grateful for having the thoughtful family we do.

Thank you sister.

And Happy Canadian Thanksgiving to you all!

1 comment:

  1. thanked me right away via text. I miss little J SOOOOOO much. Am glad he was surprised by the little package in the mail.

    More to come!
