Thursday, 24 October 2013

Concert at the Library

I realize this blog tends to focus mostly on our little Jake, and secondly on the random happenings in my life and in my kitchen. Not often enough do I dedicate an entire post to our fine dad and husband, which is completely unfair because he brings so much into our lives that is worth blogging about on a daily basis. Maybe I should start a blog just about him. What do you think I should call it? The life and times of Daddy Boyd? Father Blackhawk? Matt's Amazing Transit Adventures?

While I work on that I will use this time to dedicate a post to our dad, the musician. As I have posted before our talented Mr. Boyd has had a few gigs in his back pocket already, but since moving to our new hometown his love of creating and sharing children's music has taken a back seat to other things like settling into a new job, providing for his family, co-managing a household, catering to his erratic and demanding pregnant wife, and entertaining his three year old every spare minute he is at home because by the time daddy gets home Lord knows mama and jake have spent enough time together!

Earlier in the month however, the public library invited him to come preform a one hour children's concert to help celebrate Canadian Library month in our city. Let me tell you there is something surreal and amazing about walking into your local library that you visit on a weekly basis, and seeing a stack of flyers there on the librarian's desk advertising your husbands musical talents.

It was a registration only event and though you can't really tell from these photos there were some 50 people there.

Brag alert: He was amazing! the swing in his step never faltered since his last performance. He picked right up like he never took "parental leave" from his side career. Parents, librarians, and random members of the public all enjoyed the show, but mostly the children - oh how they danced, and laughed and sang along at the top of their lungs. They caught on to his original songs in a heart beat and by the end were singing his back up like it was their job.

We are proud, so very very proud and happy to have back our funny, musical, dancing daddy (hey maybe that's a good blog name "Dancing Daddy?) that we have missed for far too long.

We love you dad....

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