Monday, 7 May 2012

Day Dreaming Mondays

Monday's and I have always had an unstable relationship.  It's the same every week: Monday get's the first jab in by doing something like making me wake up late,  I try to retaliate by getting out the door on time and with a smile on my face, only to have Monday get me once or twice more throughout the day with back handed attempts like dumping a few buckets of rain (or snow) around when I don't have an umbrella, running rude people into my path, or closing the bus doors in my face.

That mountain across the water - that's our home now. If you squint you can even see a crane poking out where they are building more homes for our community.

Normally, I always try to get the last word in by ending my day on some positive note like baking cookies, or watching a romantic movie. But sometimes, sometimes, that first day in the week is so hard and long that the only way to make it survivable is to completely ignore it.  Ignore it and day dream instead.

I've mentioned before that my favorite thing to day dream about on these troublesome Mondays is the weekend, especially when the weekend that just passed was one for the history books. So this morning as I was running - and by running I mean sprinting full speed down narrow woodsy paths, dodging innocent school bound children and their parents, muttering a steady stream or "excuse me's", "coming through's" and the oh so Canadian "I'm sorry's"- to catch my bus, only to see it driving off as I rounded the corner, I knew it was gonna be a day dream sort of day.

So, I sat at my desk dreaming about three things today: a brilliant moon, watching my boy throw a zillion rocks into ocean waters, and the best homemade turkey burgers I've ever tasted.

As usual, it worked like a charm.

This was the view out of our bedroom window Saturday night.
Good night, Monday.

1 comment:

  1. The turkey burger recipe:

    Happy Tuesday!
